Month: November 2018

Research Associate position at the Orient-Institut Istanbul – Digital Health and Self-Tracking in Turkey

I am very happy to announce the STS related position of a “Research Associate at the Orient-Institut Istanbul – Digital Health and Self-Tracking in Turkey”.   Vacancy:  Research Associate at the Orient-Institut Istanbul – Digital Health and Self-Tracking in Turkey The Orient-Institut Istanbul is currently seeking a doctoral or post-doctoral researcher to work on a […]

WorldCafé: Quo vadis Human, Transhuman, Posthuman? Farklı boyutlara, farklı bakışlar

The STS TURKEY coordination team is co-organizing the WorldCafé which deals with the leading question Quo vadis Human, Transhuman, Posthuman? with Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy and Applied Ethics (Ankara, Turkey). The table hosts will cover following topics: Human Enhancement, Mass Surveillance, self-driving vehicles, human-robot conflicts in workplaces, AI Ethics, morality of machines and […]