Month: February 2020

#STSTurkey2020 conference on identity construction of STS as a discipline #opportunities #connections #share #make #build #ststwitter CfP (TR) Apr 10 #ststurkey October 14-16 @KonyaBilim @ststurkey @AnkaraUni

We have been stabilizing the STS TURKEY platform for scientists, stakeholders, interested people and artists since 2017 (and actually even earlier) in order to advance the studies of science and technology in (Turkish) society. This year we would like again to offer opportunities to share ideas, make connections, building a bridge between humanities and social […]

Invitation: Networks of Expertise in Turkey: Politics of Autism (Dr. Öncüler Yayalar) @EmineOnculer @BilkentSts co-coordinator @ststurkey March 4, 19h #OrientInstitut #Istanbul #HumanMedicineSociety #ststwitter

Dr. Emine Önculer Yayalar (Bilkent University, Lecturer in Science, Technology and Society) is going to give a lecture on “Networks of Expertise in Turkey: Politics of Autism” on Wednesday, March 4, 7 P.M. at the Orient-Institut Istanbul. There has been widespread media coverage of what is often referred to as the “autism epidemic” around the […]

2nd STS TURKEY Winter School “Science, Technology and Society” successfully completed #ststwitter #ststurkey

As the Turkish Scholarly Network for Science and Technology Studies, one of the objectives of STS TURKEY is to increase the visibility of STS in Turkey by promoting relevant field research and training activities. Regarding the aim of conveying basic STS theoretical frameworks, concepts and related discussions at introductory-level, January 2019, we organized our first […]

Davetiye “Nükleer Enerji ve Toplumsal Sağlık” (Pınar Demircan) @pnrizumi Çarşamba, 26 Şubat, 19h #OrientInstitut #InsanTıpToplum #ToplumsalSağlık #NükleerEnerji

Gelişme ve kalkınma hedefleriyle uyumlaştırılan nükleer enerji üretimi, negatif dışsallıkları bağlamında tartışmalı bir konudur. Dünya genelinde Çernobil Nükleer Felaketi ve ondan 25 yıl sonra meydana gelen Fukuşima Nükleer Felaketi nedeniyle nükleer enerjiden çıkış eğilimi oluşmuşsa da  başta Türkiye olmak üzere bazı ülkeler ilk defa nükleer santral sahibi olmayı planlamaktadır. Bu çalışmayla  nükleer zincirin bir halkası […]

INVITATION “Human, Medicine and Society: Challenges of Digitalization”, panel with two lectures with Armin Grunwald @ITAS_KIT & @erdil_erkan & Ö. Ilhan @odtutekpol Wed. February 12, 19h #OrientInstitut Istanbul for details:

Invitation Human, Medicine and Society: Challenges of Digitalization Panel with two lectures with Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwald, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis at KIT (ITAS), Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag Prof. Dr. Erkan Erdil, Department of Economics and Science and Technology Policies Research Center (METU-TEKPOL), […]

Oturum Davetiyesi: Sanat Uzun, Hayat Kısa: Tıp, Delilik ve Sanat, @FatihArtvinli1 @acibademuniv & Elif Vatanoglu-Lutz @KU_Medicine #OrientInstitut Istanbul, 05 Şubat, 19h

İçeriden Sesler, Sessizlikler: Tımarhanede Sanat ve Edebiyat (Fatih Artvinli): Türkiye’de “delilik çalışmaları” alanına ilgi son yıllarda giderek artmaya başlamıştır. Tıp tarihi ve psikiyatri tarihi alanında daha çok temel aktörler ve kurumların tarihine yoğunlaşılırken, bu kurumlarda bizzat hastalar tarafından üretilen eserler, edebiyat ve sanat ürünlerine yansıyan sesler ve sessizlikler henüz yeterince işitilmemiştir. Bu sunumda, Toptaşı Bimarhanesi, […]