Category: Brain-Computer Interface

Article “Collecting Data and the Status of the Research Subject in Brain-Machine Interface Research in Chronic Stroke Rehabilitation” published in #somatechnics #ststwitter #BMI #neuroethics

I almost forgot: I would like to thank the editors Iris van der Tuin and Holly Randell-Moon and the guest editors Lotta-Lili Fiedel, Lisa Malich and Sofia Varino very much for letting me contribute to Somatechnics (Edinburgh University Press) Special Issue 9.2 Data Matters: (Un)doing Data and Gender in the Life Sciences. I would like […]

“Siborg Eylemi: Tekno-serebral Öznenin Oluşumu” adlı sunumumu Sosyoloji Kongresinde 21 Eylül 2019, Cumartesi saat 10:45 de sunacağım #teknolojisosyolojisi #sts #siborgeylemi

Bildiri özeti: Beyin ve bilgisayar arasındaki bağlantı, Beyin Bilgisayar/Beyin Makine Arayüzleri (BCI/BMI) kullanılarak gerçekleşiyor (Kübler/ Neuper 2012; Birbaumer et al. 2010). Beyin aktivitesini kullanarak, BCI aracılığıyla sadece yazılım programları değil (BCI) aynı zamanda robotlar (BMI) gibi donanımlar da (Osuagwu et al. 2016) kontrol edebilinir. Bu kapasite, BCI’yı örneğin felçli hastaları tedavi etme sürecinde cazip bir […]

‘Unless they do not build cyborgs’ Ethics missing the point of cyborg constitution in neuroscientific trials? @ 5th Health, Culture and the Human Body Conference (Istanbul)

I’ll be presenting: “‘Unless they do not build cyborgs’ Ethics missing the point of cyborg constitution in neuroscientific trials?” at the Health, Culture and the Human Body. Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Genetics and Human Enhancement (4.-6. October 2018, Istanbul, Turkey). You can find the program flyer here: HCHB flyer.   Abstract: ‘Unless they do not […]

The “techno-cerebral subject”, a bio-technical form of the cyborg – action theory #cyborgactiontheory

The human as techno-cerebrally operating form – this study shows the adaptation of human and machine in neuroscience and describes the acting of a cyborg. The neuroscientific studies I analyzed, were concerned with the restoration of cerebral processes by neurofeedback (via Brain-Machine Interface), with which stroke patients had to regulate their brainwaves and thereby to […]

Das techno-zerebrale Subjekt. Zur Symbiose von Mensch und Maschine in den Neurowissenschaften

  Abgeleitet aus einer Analyse neurowissenschaftlicher Praktiken und Techniken der Anpassung von Mensch/Gehirn und Maschine/Computer zeichnet Melike Sahinol die Entstehung »techno-zerebraler Subjekte« nach: Anhand von Interviews mit renommierten Neurowissenschaftler_innen und Darstellungen neurowissenschaftlich-klinischer Anwendungsprojekte, die mit Hilfe von Brain Machine Interfaces (BMI) an der Heilung von Schlaganfall- und ALS-Patient_innen arbeiten, zeigt sie, wie die wechselseitige Anpassung […]

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