Category: cfp

Call for abstracts: STS for a post-truth age: comparative dialogues on reflexivity #EASST4S2020

Open Panel # 166 STS for a Post-truth Age: Comparative Dialogues on Reflexivity Deadline: 2020, February 29. Please hand in your abstract via (Submission instructions: *** Panel abstract The linear model of knowledge creation and diffusion has frequently been criticized by STS scholars through an emphasis on social contexts of knowledge. Based on […]

CfP special issue: “Manufacturing Life” in NanoEthics. Studies of New and Emerging Technologies #sts #enhancement #cyborg #multispecies #innovation #feministSTS #anthropocene #sociology #ethics

Dear colleagues, We invite papers for a special issue: “Manufacturing Life” in NanoEthics. Studies of New and Emerging Technologies ( This special issue of NanoEthics “Manufacturing Life” aims to gather research and insights about the (re-)constructions of living beings through practices in life sciences and technology with a focus on cultural, ethical and social issues […]

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