Category: Cyborg

“Crip Making” keynote by Aimi Hamraie, 16 September 2021, 7–8:30pm (CEST)

Download Flyer Abstract Is design informed by the lived experiences of disability inherently political? Several concepts exist within critical disability studies to name disability-led design. These include crip technoscience (Hamraie 2017; Hamraie and Fritsch 2019), “microactivist affordances” (Dokumaci 2020), “Criptastic hacking” (Yergeau 2014), and the “design theory of disability” (Guffey and Williamson). These approaches center […]

Keynote: Anne Waldschmidt “Inclusion – Accessibility – Normality: Some Remarks from a Dispositif-Analytical Perspective” 17 September 2021, 3:30-5pm (CEST)

Download Flyer Abstract It is Critical Disability Studies as an innovative discourse, which has significantly contributed to revising simplistic and individualistic views of disability and impairment. Introduced in the 1970s, the social model of disability has since fundamentally changed the international disability discourse. This approach, as Disability Studies scholars and disability rights activists know well, […]

New publication: #Medicalised #Masculinities in Turkey and Iran: The Eigensinn of Hair in Hair Transplantation w @buraktasdizen #STS #Body #Biomedicalization

My research assistent Burak Taşdizen and I are very proud to announce that our article titled “Medicalised Masculinities in Turkey and Iran: The Eigensinn of Hair in Hair Transplantation” has been published in the Special Issue “Medicalised Masculinities – Somatechnical Interventions” of the Journal Somatechnics. Abstract Growing cultural enthusiasm for cosmetic surgery and the techno-medical […]

new publ/ yeni yayın: Sosyo-Biyo-Teknik Bakım Kompleksi: Tip 1 Diyabette Dijital Sağlık Takibi / Socio-Bio-Technical Care Complex: Digital Health Tracking in Type 1 Diabetes (Şahinol, M. and Başkavak, G.)

Our peer reviewed article “Socio-Bio-Technical Care Complex: Digital Health Tracking in Type 1 Diabetes” has been published in the Journal for Sociological Research’s special issue on „Contested Bodies in Turkey: Transformation of Body, Health and Society through Techno-Medical Interventions.“ We would like to thank the reviewers for their careful reading, thoughtful comments and efforts towards […]

“Türkiye’de Çekişmeli Bedenler: Tıp Teknolojisindeki Gelişmelerle Dönüşen Beden, Sağlık Ve Toplum” özel sayımız Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi’nde yayında / Special Issue „Contested Bodies in Turkey“ has finally been published in the Journal of Sociological Research

Our special issue „Contested Bodies in Turkey: Transformation of Body, Health and Society through Techno-Medical Interventions“ (guest editors: Melike Şahinol & Gülşah Başkavak) has finally been published in the Journal of Sociological Research. The development of this special issue involves a long process of reflection and discussion. The birth of the idea began in September […]

Visiting the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn – fall 2021, substituting Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber #sts #mediastudies #SociologyofMedia

It’s official. In fall 2021 I will substitute Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber at the Department for Media Studies at the University of Paderborn as part of a guest stay. With this context, I am preparing four Seminars at the intersection of Media/Digitalization, Medicine, Posthumanism and Disability Studies: Cochlea-Implantate, bionische Prothesen und andere assistive Technologien. Digitale […]

Modified: Living as a Cyborg (Routledge): Book Launch! March 7, 1 pm to 2:30, Pacific Standard Time #SFC2021 #Cyborg #ststwitter

Very happy to have contributed to this great piece, as a lot of great people from both the art and science worlds have contributed to this book. This makes me all the more pleased to announce the book launch, which could not be taking place in a more fitting location: Modified: Living as a Cyborg […]

Kick-Off Meeting: Scientific Network Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media (10-11 Dec 2020)

Our DFG scientific network #DisAbilities & #DigitalMedia has started its activities. I am very excited and look forward to this great kick-off meeting with some public lectures. You can find details about the meeting below. For information about our network please visit our website: . Agency – Participation – Cooperation The Praxeological Production of […]

edited volume “Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper – Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven” published (eds. @mesahinol @ChriXCoenen #Motika) #ststwitter #körper #sport #technik #enhancement #disability #cyborg

The edited volume “Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper – Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven”, on which we have been working since the workshop of the same title in 2016, has been published. And here is the link:

“My Cyborg Performance as a Techno-Cerebral Subject” has been published in Modified: Living as a Cyborg by #Routledge Publishing. Eds: @hablesgray Heidi Figueroa Sarriera & Steven Mentor #ststwitter

I am very excited to announce that my article “My Cyborg Performance as a Techno-Cerebral Subject” has been published in Modified: Living as a Cyborg by Routledge Publishing: Şahinol, M. (2020). My Cyborg Performance as a Techno-Cerebral Subject. In Chris Hables Gray, Heidi Figueroa Sarriera & Steven Mentor (eds.) Modified: Living as a Cyborg (pp. […]

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