Category: DisAbility

COVID Anlatıları: Cinsiyet ve Hastalığın Sosyal Deneyimi

COVID-19 ile ilgili konuşmaya hazır mısınız? 18 yaş ve üzeri katılımcılar arıyoruz… COVID-19 sürecinin toplumsal etkilerini araştırdığımız projemiz için 18 yaş ve üzeri kadın katılımcılar arıyoruz. Görüşmelerimiz Zoom üzerinden yapılacak ve 20-30 dakika kadar sürecektir. Çalışmamızın etik kurul onayı vardır ve katılımcılar anonim kalacaktır. Katılmak isterseniz bize aşağıda belirtilen email adresimizden ulaşabilirsiniz. Desteğiniz için çok […]

New publication: 3D printed children’s prostheses as enabling technology? The experience of children with upper limb body differences

I am happy to share my new publication: Şahinol, M. (2022), “3D printed children’s prostheses as enabling technology? The experience of children with upper limb body differences”, Journal of Enabling Technologies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. Abstract Purpose This paper examines the extent to which 3D printed children’s prostheses function as enabling technology. The focus lies […]

New guest edited Special Sections: Manufacturing Life (Part I & II), Journal: NanoEthics. Studies of New and Emerging Technologies

“Manufacturing Life” is the topic of the latest two special sections of the journal NanoEthics. Studies of New and Emerging Technologies (, which are guest edited by Diego Compagna and Melike Şahinol. Research and insights about the (re‑)constructions of living beings through practices in life sciences and technology with a focus on cultural, ethical and […]

Art-Science Interaction publication “Cyborg Encounters”

I am happy to share that an Art-Science Interaction publication I co-authored with my students has been published: Okay, A.M., Taşdizen, B., McKinnon Bell, C.J. Topdal, B.D., Şahinol, M. Cyborg Encounters: Three Art-Science Interactions. Nanoethics (2022). Applause to the students who created such great thought-provoking pieces – and two of them are directly Turkey-related! […]

Access and tinkering: designing assistive technologies as political practice–A discussion with Zeynep Karagöz, Thomas Miebach and Daniel Wessolek

Happy to share that our publication “Access and tinkering: designing assistive technologies as political practice” I co-authored with my colleagues from the research network “Dis/Abilities and Digital Media” funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has been published on Emerald Insight: Bieling, T., Şahinol, M., Stock, R. and Wiechern, A. (2022), “Access and tinkering: designing assistive technologies […]

The Future of the Technological Human Body in Light of Its Present & Past, TU Berlin, September 2, 2022

I would like to bring this fascinating event to your attention in that I have been invited as a discussant: “The Future of the Technological Human Body in Light of Its Present & Past“, TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Room H 0104. Friday, September 2, 2022. Schedule and registration information can […]

Arts & Design, Open Source & DIY Perspectives on Dis/ability (07 July 2022, 6-7 pm CEST | 12-1 pm EST | 7-8 TRT)

Session as part of the ongoing series “Disability and the Digital. Conversations Across Sociology, Cultural Studies and Disability Studies”.   When: July, 07, 2022, 6-7 pm CEST | 12-1 pm EST | 7-8 TRT   Please register here for the event. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about attending the meeting. Download the flyer for […]

Disability And The Digital. Conversations Across Sociology, Cultural Studies and Disability Studies

I would like to draw your attention to the international conversation series Disability and the Digital, which addresses the intersections of the sociology of the body, cultural studies, and disability studies that I am co-organizing with colleagues from Berlin, Hamburg and New York. You can find more information and register for the individual sessions below. […]

Orient-Institut İstanbul İnsan Tıp ve Toplum Yöneticisi & Kıdemli Akademi Üyesi Dr. Melike Şahinol: Toplum 5.0 ve Sağlık Sektörünün Geleceği

Sunucu: Dr. Yıldız Tuğba Kurtuluş KaraKonuk: Dr. Melike ŞahinolKurum: Orient-Institut Istanbul SAĞLIK SEKTÖRÜNÜN GELECEĞİ NE DURUMDA? Dr. Yıldız Tuğba Kurtuluş Kara’nın hazırlayıp sunduğu Toplum 5.0 programının bu bölümünde Orient-Institut Istanbul “İnsan Tıp ve Toplum” Kürsüsü Başkanı & Kıdemli Akademi Üyesi Dr. Melike Şahinol Türk sağlık sistemindeki değişimleri ve öz takip cihazlarının sağlık alanındaki önemini ST […]

Vortrag / Sunum “Das Soziale und das Technische gemeinsam denken: 3D gedruckte Prothesen für Kinder als Enabler?” 24.2., 14h Türkisch-Deutsche Uni Istanbul

Ich wurde zur Soziologie-Gesprächsreihe am Institut für Soziologie der Türkisch-Deutschen Universität eingeladen. Mein Vortrag mit dem Titel “Das Soziale und das Technische gemeinsam denken: 3D gedruckte Prothesen für Kinder als Enabler?” findet am Donnerstag, den 24.02.2022 um 14:00 Uhr statt. Türk-Alman Üniversitesi Sosyoloji bölümündeki Sosyoloji Konuşmaları serisine davet edildim. “Das Soziale und das Technische gemeinsam […]

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