Category: DisAbility

Visiting the Department for Media Studies, University of Paderborn – fall 2021, substituting Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber #sts #mediastudies #SociologyofMedia

It’s official. In fall 2021 I will substitute Prof. Dr. Jutta Weber at the Department for Media Studies at the University of Paderborn as part of a guest stay. With this context, I am preparing four Seminars at the intersection of Media/Digitalization, Medicine, Posthumanism and Disability Studies: Cochlea-Implantate, bionische Prothesen und andere assistive Technologien. Digitale […]

Assistance – On the History of Assistive Ensembles (2nd Meeting of the network “Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media”) 17-19 March 2021 #ststwitter

The category of assistive technologies is often discussed as a political category (Alper 2017), as they invoke connotations such as “in need of help” with respect to the respective users (Mills 2015; Kotsch 2012; Ott 2014). At this meeting, the concept of assistance will be historically situated and questioned. The aim is to problematize the […]

Modified: Living as a Cyborg (Routledge): Book Launch! March 7, 1 pm to 2:30, Pacific Standard Time #SFC2021 #Cyborg #ststwitter

Very happy to have contributed to this great piece, as a lot of great people from both the art and science worlds have contributed to this book. This makes me all the more pleased to announce the book launch, which could not be taking place in a more fitting location: Modified: Living as a Cyborg […]

Kick-Off Meeting: Scientific Network Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media (10-11 Dec 2020)

Our DFG scientific network #DisAbilities & #DigitalMedia has started its activities. I am very excited and look forward to this great kick-off meeting with some public lectures. You can find details about the meeting below. For information about our network please visit our website: . Agency – Participation – Cooperation The Praxeological Production of […]

edited volume “Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper – Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven” published (eds. @mesahinol @ChriXCoenen #Motika) #ststwitter #körper #sport #technik #enhancement #disability #cyborg

The edited volume “Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper – Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven”, on which we have been working since the workshop of the same title in 2016, has been published. And here is the link:

Mein Aufsatz “Enabling-Technologien zwischen #Normalität und #Enhancement: 3D-gedruckte Prothesen für Kinder von Maker*innen” ist erschienen. Infos hier:

Auszug aus der Einleitung: Enabling-Technologien wird nachgesagt, dass sie den Sektor, in dem sie jeweils eingesetzt werden, radikal innovieren, was – auch in Kombination mit anderen Technologien – für Anwender*innen die Steigerung von Leistung und Fähigkeiten bedeutet. Zu diesen Technologien gehört bspw. der 3D-Drucker (Berman 2012), der die Medizintechnik bereits revolutioniert hat. Denn mit dem […]

“Everyday Cyborgs: Men with implanted/transplanted hair (and its Eigensinn)” accepted for panel #174 @EASST4S_2020 #ststwitter #masculinities #cyborg #vulnerability

We are very happy that we will be able to present our abstract on Everyday Cyborgs: Men with implanted/transplanted hair (and its Eigensinn) (see below) in the panel #174 Techniques of Resilience. Coping with the Vulnerabilities of Hybrid Bodies by Nelly Oudshoorn during the virtual meeting of EASST/4S Prague 2020 “Locating and Timing Matters: Significance […]

Article “Collecting Data and the Status of the Research Subject in Brain-Machine Interface Research in Chronic Stroke Rehabilitation” published in #somatechnics #ststwitter #BMI #neuroethics

I almost forgot: I would like to thank the editors Iris van der Tuin and Holly Randell-Moon and the guest editors Lotta-Lili Fiedel, Lisa Malich and Sofia Varino very much for letting me contribute to Somatechnics (Edinburgh University Press) Special Issue 9.2 Data Matters: (Un)doing Data and Gender in the Life Sciences. I would like […]

Article “Posthuman cyborg love. The adaptation of the human body into machine-based offers in the sexual domain” submitted, be published #posthumanfeminism #cyborglove #cyborgsex

I have just submitted my article “Posthuman cyborg love. The adaptation of the human body into machine-based offers in the sexual domain” which is going to be published (in German: Posthumane Cyborgliebe. Die Anpassung des menschlichen Körpers an maschinelle Angebote im sexuellen Bereich) in: Bendel, Oliver (ed.): Maschinenliebe. Liebespuppen und Sexroboter aus technischer, psychologischer und […]

Lecture Series „Human, Medicine and Society: Past, Present and Future Encounters“ program / „İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum: Geçmiş, Bugün ve Gelecek Buluşmaları“ Konferans Dizimizin programı, 04.12.2019-04.03.2020, 19h, Orient-Institut Istanbul:

Sosyal bilim çalısmalarının, özellikle tıp sosyoloji veya bilim ve teknoloji çalısmalarının (STS, BTT veya BTÇ) ne kadar önemli olduğu bir kez daha ortaya çıkıyor. Bugüne kadar Türkiye’deki bu tarz çalısmalara daha az dikkat gösterilmiştir. Orient Enstitüsünde 2015 yılından bu yana “insan, tıp ve toplum” araştırma alanında Türkiye için bu üçlünün arasındaki bağımlılıkları tartışıyoruz. Daha yeni […]

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