Category: DisAbility

Invitation: Networks of Expertise in Turkey: Politics of Autism (Dr. Öncüler Yayalar) @EmineOnculer @BilkentSts co-coordinator @ststurkey March 4, 19h #OrientInstitut #Istanbul #HumanMedicineSociety #ststwitter

Dr. Emine Önculer Yayalar (Bilkent University, Lecturer in Science, Technology and Society) is going to give a lecture on “Networks of Expertise in Turkey: Politics of Autism” on Wednesday, March 4, 7 P.M. at the Orient-Institut Istanbul. There has been widespread media coverage of what is often referred to as the “autism epidemic” around the […]

Panel: Learning and Doing (Making) for a Healthy Society? with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diler Öner & Zeynep Karagöz, 11 Dec, 19h #OrientInstitut Istanbul #innovation #makermovement #DIY #futureskills

Learning and Innovation Skills for the Future (Diler Öner): The purpose of this talk is to examine the educational outcomes we should be focusing on for the future. Drawing the parallels between industrial revolutions and education in history, I will discuss the potential transformations in education in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I […]

Lecture Series „Human, Medicine and Society: Past, Present and Future Encounters“ program / „İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum: Geçmiş, Bugün ve Gelecek Buluşmaları“ Konferans Dizimizin programı, 04.12.2019-04.03.2020, 19h, Orient-Institut Istanbul:

(for english pls scroll down) İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum alanı, disiplinlerarası, yenilikçi ve geniş bir konu yelpazesini kapsar. Tıp, bilim ve teknolojide görülen hızlı değişim ve gelişmeler toplumların yapısında da sürekli yeniliklere, ve düzenlemelere yol açmaktadır. Bu yenilikler, sağlık kurum ve politikalarının sosyal, ekonomik, hukuki ve kültürel yönleri ile ilgili olup ayrıca hastalık, sağlık, tıp […]

CfP special issue: “Manufacturing Life” in NanoEthics. Studies of New and Emerging Technologies #sts #enhancement #cyborg #multispecies #innovation #feministSTS #anthropocene #sociology #ethics

Dear colleagues, We invite papers for a special issue: “Manufacturing Life” in NanoEthics. Studies of New and Emerging Technologies ( This special issue of NanoEthics “Manufacturing Life” aims to gather research and insights about the (re-)constructions of living beings through practices in life sciences and technology with a focus on cultural, ethical and social issues […]

Cyborg Encounters exhibition / Siborg Karşılaşmalar sergisi @STS_Turkey #ststurkey2019 10-12.09. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Ayazağa Kampüsü #cyborg #DisAbility #CripTechnoscience

Cyborg Encounters Contributors:  Ayşe Melis Okay, Beyza Dilem Toptal, Burak Kaynar, Burak Taşdizen, Umut Özöver, Öykü Sorgun, Pelin Günay ‘Cyborg Encounters’ offers an experience of a universe; in between past, present and future constituted of hybrids born from the coupling of humans and nonhumans, beyond species and genders. It lives in the duality of integrated […]

Crippling the Transition to the Extraordinary? Enabling Technologies and Extra_Ordinarity #4S2019 #STS #DisAbility #CripTechnoscience

I am speaking on the panel Beyond the Prosthetic Imaginary: New Intersections between STS and Disability Studies II at 4S Conference in New Orleans Thu, September 5, 4:30 to 6:00pm, Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, Floor: Eight, Bacchus Crippling the Transition to the Extraordinary? Enabling Technologies and Extra_OrdinarityAbstractEnabling technologies should, as the name implies, make something […]

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