Category: event

STS TURKEY 2019 Toplum için Bilim ve Teknoloji Çalışmaları Konferansında “İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum” Buluşması – 2019 #ststurkey2019 #İnsanTıpToplum

“İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum” Buluşması – 2019, gün ve saat belli oldu: 12 Eylül 2019, Perşembe, Saat: 14:00-15:00, Yer: Seminer Odası

STS TURKEY 2019 Toplum için Bilim ve Teknoloji Çalışmaları Konferansında “İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum” Buluşması – 2019

Bu sene ikincisi düzenlenecek olan STS TURKEY 2019 Toplum için Bilim ve Teknoloji Çalışmaları Konferansı bünyesinde, tıp alanıyla ile ilişkili tarihsel ve güncel konulara odaklanarak Türkiye’de Bilim, Teknoloji ve Toplum alanında eğitim ve araştırma faaliyetleri yürüten farklı disiplinlerden akademisyen, öğrenci ve araştırmacıları “İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum” Buluşması’nda bir araya gelmeye davet ediyoruz. Bu seneden itibaren […]

Safe the date: 10-12 September 2019, STS TURKEY 2019 Conference (Keynote: Prof. Dr. Wiebe Bijker) at Istanbul Technical University

STS TURKEY 2019 will take place at the Istanbul Technical University,  Turkey, on 10-12 September 2019; jointly organized by Istanbul Technical University, Program on “Science, Technology and Society” and Istanbul Technical University, Humanities and Social Sciences, supported by STS TURKEY. STS TURKEY is delighted to announce that our keynote speaker is Prof. Dr. Wiebe Bijker […]

WorldCafé: Quo vadis Human, Transhuman, Posthuman? Farklı boyutlara, farklı bakışlar

The STS TURKEY coordination team is co-organizing the WorldCafé which deals with the leading question Quo vadis Human, Transhuman, Posthuman? with Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy and Applied Ethics (Ankara, Turkey). The table hosts will cover following topics: Human Enhancement, Mass Surveillance, self-driving vehicles, human-robot conflicts in workplaces, AI Ethics, morality of machines and […]

Panel: Science and Technology on the Silk Road: Past and Present Practices, Future Perspectives in Turkey

This Panel was organized for the Turkologentag 2018: Turkologentag 2018: 3rd European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman & Turkish Studies (Bamberg, Germany), September 19-21, 2018 (organizers: Melike Şahinol, Orient-Institut Istanbul, together with Arsev Aydınoğlu and Harun Kaygan, Middle East Technical University, Ankara and Cansu Guner-Birdal, Technical University of Munich) Science and Technology on the Silk Road: […]

CfP: Science and Technology on the Silk Road: Past and Present Practices, Future Perspectives in Turkey

For the Turkologentag 2018: 3rd European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman & Turkish Studies Bamberg (Germany), September 19-21, 2018 Deadline: January 15, 2018 This panel, organized by Dr. Melike Şahinol (Orient-Institute Istanbul, “Human, Medicine, and Society”), Asst. Prof. Dr. Arsev Umur Aydinoglu (METU, TEKPOL Research Center) and Asst. Prof. Dr. Harun Kaygan (METU, Industrial Design), and […]

Colliding Theories, Cultures, and Futures. STS view(s) beyond the horizon. Or: STS Diaspora

STS TURKEY members (my collegues Arsev Aydinoglu, Cansu Guner-Birdal and Harun Kaygan and me) submitted the Panel “Colliding Theories, Cultures, and Futures. STS view(s) beyond the horizon. Or: STS Diaspora” (for long abstract and the contributions pls follow the link) which has been accepted for the next EASST2018 conference. We invite contributions that focus on […]

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