Category: Human Enhancement

CfP: Theoretische Polarisierungen zwischen Humanismen und Post-/Trans-Humanismen (deadline: 15.4.2022)

Call for Papers: Theoretische Polarisierungen zwischen Humanismen und Post-/Trans-Humanismen Veranstaltung der Sektion Soziologie des Körpers und des Sports auf dem 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 26.-30.9.2022, Bielefeld Organisation: Hanna Göbel (Hamburg), Melike Şahinol (Istanbul)  Körper gelten im soziologischen Denken seit jeher immer auch als Orte theoretischer Polarisierungen. Dieser Befund lässt sich etwa rekonstruieren […]

New Publication: Hair:y_less Masculinities. A Cartography (Şahinol, Taşdizen & Başkavak).

I am proud to annouce our freely accessible new publication: Şahinol, M., Taşdizen, B., & Başkavak, G. (2022). Hair:y_less Masculinities . A Cartography. Bonn: Şahinol, Melike (in cooperation with Cosmetic surgery is booming – and no longer just among women: Both surgical procedures and minimal invasive cosmetic treatments are on the rise among […]

“Türkiye’de Çekişmeli Bedenler: Tıp Teknolojisindeki Gelişmelerle Dönüşen Beden, Sağlık Ve Toplum” özel sayımız Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi’nde yayında / Special Issue „Contested Bodies in Turkey“ has finally been published in the Journal of Sociological Research

Our special issue „Contested Bodies in Turkey: Transformation of Body, Health and Society through Techno-Medical Interventions“ (guest editors: Melike Şahinol & Gülşah Başkavak) has finally been published in the Journal of Sociological Research. The development of this special issue involves a long process of reflection and discussion. The birth of the idea began in September […]

Modified: Living as a Cyborg (Routledge): Book Launch! March 7, 1 pm to 2:30, Pacific Standard Time #SFC2021 #Cyborg #ststwitter

Very happy to have contributed to this great piece, as a lot of great people from both the art and science worlds have contributed to this book. This makes me all the more pleased to announce the book launch, which could not be taking place in a more fitting location: Modified: Living as a Cyborg […]

edited volume “Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper – Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven” published (eds. @mesahinol @ChriXCoenen #Motika) #ststwitter #körper #sport #technik #enhancement #disability #cyborg

The edited volume “Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper – Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven”, on which we have been working since the workshop of the same title in 2016, has been published. And here is the link:

Journal of #Posthumanism – CfP (deadline Jan 22, 2021) #Cyborg #Anthropocene #HumanEnhancement #AI #Medicine #Queer

Journal of Posthumanism invites contributors to the inaugural issue of the Journal of Posthumanism, an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal promoting innovative work to transverse the fields ranging from social sciences, humanities, and arts to medicine and STEM.   Submission Deadline: 22 January 2021, Friday We invite contributors to the inaugural issue of the Journal of Posthumanism, an international peer-reviewed scholarly […]

Mein Aufsatz “Enabling-Technologien zwischen #Normalität und #Enhancement: 3D-gedruckte Prothesen für Kinder von Maker*innen” ist erschienen. Infos hier:

Auszug aus der Einleitung: Enabling-Technologien wird nachgesagt, dass sie den Sektor, in dem sie jeweils eingesetzt werden, radikal innovieren, was – auch in Kombination mit anderen Technologien – für Anwender*innen die Steigerung von Leistung und Fähigkeiten bedeutet. Zu diesen Technologien gehört bspw. der 3D-Drucker (Berman 2012), der die Medizintechnik bereits revolutioniert hat. Denn mit dem […]

“Everyday Cyborgs: Men with implanted/transplanted hair (and its Eigensinn)” accepted for panel #174 @EASST4S_2020 #ststwitter #masculinities #cyborg #vulnerability

We are very happy that we will be able to present our abstract on Everyday Cyborgs: Men with implanted/transplanted hair (and its Eigensinn) (see below) in the panel #174 Techniques of Resilience. Coping with the Vulnerabilities of Hybrid Bodies by Nelly Oudshoorn during the virtual meeting of EASST/4S Prague 2020 “Locating and Timing Matters: Significance […]

Article “Posthuman cyborg love. The adaptation of the human body into machine-based offers in the sexual domain” submitted, be published #posthumanfeminism #cyborglove #cyborgsex

I have just submitted my article “Posthuman cyborg love. The adaptation of the human body into machine-based offers in the sexual domain” which is going to be published (in German: Posthumane Cyborgliebe. Die Anpassung des menschlichen Körpers an maschinelle Angebote im sexuellen Bereich) in: Bendel, Oliver (ed.): Maschinenliebe. Liebespuppen und Sexroboter aus technischer, psychologischer und […]

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