Category: Orient-Institut-Istanbul

Oturum Davetiyesi: Sanat Uzun, Hayat Kısa: Tıp, Delilik ve Sanat, @FatihArtvinli1 @acibademuniv & Elif Vatanoglu-Lutz @KU_Medicine #OrientInstitut Istanbul, 05 Şubat, 19h

İçeriden Sesler, Sessizlikler: Tımarhanede Sanat ve Edebiyat (Fatih Artvinli): Türkiye’de “delilik çalışmaları” alanına ilgi son yıllarda giderek artmaya başlamıştır. Tıp tarihi ve psikiyatri tarihi alanında daha çok temel aktörler ve kurumların tarihine yoğunlaşılırken, bu kurumlarda bizzat hastalar tarafından üretilen eserler, edebiyat ve sanat ürünlerine yansıyan sesler ve sessizlikler henüz yeterince işitilmemiştir. Bu sunumda, Toptaşı Bimarhanesi, […]

Doktor ↔ Hasta ↔ Teknoloji: Fenomenolojik ve Sosyolojik Yaklaşımlar, 2 sunuşlu oturum (türkçe), Özen B. Demir ve Gülşah Başkavak, Çarşamba, 29 Ocak 2020, 19:00 #OrientInstitutIstanbul #OIIstanbul

Tıbbın Epistemik Serüveni: Bir Biyopolitik Fenomenoloji Denemesi (Özen B. Demir): Tıbbın, bütün “insancıl” ve inter-disipliner vurgulara inat, bir tür kendiliğinden ideoloji şeklinde varlığını sürdüren fizikalizmi, mekanik ve şabloncu paradigması esasında bir tür “ucube fabrikası” olarak çalışır. Tıbbın hegemonik bilim rejimi bünyesindeki tevellüdü modernite öncesine, antikiteye dek uzatılabilir. Bu koordinattaki elzem kavram ise “isonomia”dır. İsonomia ideali, […]

Bodiless Heads No.2: Bodies, borders, flux and fluidity – lecture / performance / encounter with Shahrzad Irannejad & Setareh Fatehi, 22 Jan, 19h #OrientInstitut

During this encounter, we will hear about the research-practice of Bodiless Heads that Shahrzad Irannejad and Setareh Fatehi developed in 2017, which continues to inspire their current individual works and research. Bodiless Heads is a research on traditions of [non-]depictions of the body in the Islamicate world; it is a metaphor, a hypothesis, an imaginary […]

Lecture 20 Jan, 19h: Self-efficacy and help-seeking behaviour among women with the experience of Intimate partner violence (Asst. Prof. Dr. Azam Naghavi) #OrientInstitut

According to global data, intimate partner violence and its corresponding impact threaten the lives of almost 35% of women at some point in their life. The aim of this research was to explore the effects of intimate partner sexual violence on women’s sense of self-efficacy. The participants, 10 women with experiences of intimate partner sexual […]

8 Jan, 19h: Panel on #Ancient #DNA and our Future: Techno-Scientific and Ethical Reflections with Asst. Prof. Dr. Füsun Özer & Dr. Robin Ann Downey #OrientInstitut #sts #RRI

Ancient DNA (Füsun Özer): Ancient DNA (aDNA) research focuses on the analyses of degraded DNA fragments extracted from archaeological remains such as bones, teeth and hair. These DNA molecules are sequenced to obtain individuals’ genomes, which are analysed for inferring kinship, demographic history, biological adaptations, and genetic diseases. The earliest aDNA studies mostly focused on […]

Panel: Learning and Doing (Making) for a Healthy Society? with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diler Öner & Zeynep Karagöz, 11 Dec, 19h #OrientInstitut Istanbul #innovation #makermovement #DIY #futureskills

Learning and Innovation Skills for the Future (Diler Öner): The purpose of this talk is to examine the educational outcomes we should be focusing on for the future. Drawing the parallels between industrial revolutions and education in history, I will discuss the potential transformations in education in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I […]

Lecture Series „Human, Medicine and Society: Past, Present and Future Encounters“ program / „İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum: Geçmiş, Bugün ve Gelecek Buluşmaları“ Konferans Dizimizin programı, 04.12.2019-04.03.2020, 19h, Orient-Institut Istanbul:

(for english pls scroll down) İnsan, Tıp ve Toplum alanı, disiplinlerarası, yenilikçi ve geniş bir konu yelpazesini kapsar. Tıp, bilim ve teknolojide görülen hızlı değişim ve gelişmeler toplumların yapısında da sürekli yeniliklere, ve düzenlemelere yol açmaktadır. Bu yenilikler, sağlık kurum ve politikalarının sosyal, ekonomik, hukuki ve kültürel yönleri ile ilgili olup ayrıca hastalık, sağlık, tıp […]

The Politics of Life and Death at Istanbul’s Food Banks (Asst. Prof. Dr. Candan Türkkan, Özyeğin University, Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts), Wednesday, 4 December 2019, 19:00, Orient-Institut Istanbul

Through an analysis of two state-created and state-managed databases that assess the applicants’ eligibility, I will explore how the two fundamental components of biopolitics – ‘making live’ and ‘letting die’ – are interlaced in Istanbul’s food banks. After a discussion of what food banks are and how they got to Istanbul, I will introduce the […]

“Human, Medicine and Society: Past, Present and Future Encounters” Series of Lectures, Orient-Institut Istanbul (4 Dec 2019 – 4 Mar 2020) #human #medicine #ststwitter #care #sexrobots #energy #performance #foodbanks #biopower #womanstudies #healthpolitics #art

The issue of Human, Medicine and Society encompasses a broad and interdisciplinary spectrum of topics. Ongoing innovations in medicine, science and technology have led to various possibilities and restructuring orders. These innovations are concerned with social and cultural aspects of illness and health, medicine, health care organizations and health policies. Hence, new practices of self-care combined […]

OII Ph.D. research grants for 2020 – deadline January 5 2020

The Orient-Institut Istanbul is pleased to invite applications for Ph.D. research grants for 2020. Grants are available to support research in one of the research areas of the Institute including following research field I am responsible for: Human, medicine, and society, in cooperation with ITAS at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Applications must be submitted […]

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