Category: Posthuman

Panel on Perform_Factur_ing /Healthy/ Wo_Man: Iran, Turkey and Beyond

Very happy to share with you our program and abstracts of our closed panel “Perform_Factur_ing /Healthy/ Wo_Man: Iran, Turkey and Beyond” that will be held as part of our internal IRSSC closing conference. The panel aims to bring together scholars working on masculinities, health and related issues in geographically, culturally, and academically diverse environments in […]

New Publication: Living in the Age of Neuro-Digitalization. Brain-Computer Interfaces for Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

I am happy to share with you my latest publication: Şahinol, M. (2021). Living in the Age of Neuro-Digitalization. Brain-Computer Interfaces for Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences, 8 (Being Human in a Technological Age), 53-80. doi:10.1628/ptsc-2021-0005 Abstract This paper examines the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and new types of […]

New Publication: Hair:y_less Masculinities. A Cartography (Şahinol, Taşdizen & Başkavak).

I am proud to annouce our freely accessible new publication: Şahinol, M., Taşdizen, B., & Başkavak, G. (2022). Hair:y_less Masculinities . A Cartography. Bonn: Şahinol, Melike (in cooperation with Cosmetic surgery is booming – and no longer just among women: Both surgical procedures and minimal invasive cosmetic treatments are on the rise among […]

Panel on “Modified (Hu)Man: Traditions, Vulnerabilities and Possible Futures” @ IRAN AT THE CROSSWAYS FILM FORUM, Documentaries and Dialogues on a Changing Society, ORIENT-INSTITUT ISTANBUL

Friday, November 12th, 2021 6:30 p.m. [CET] Opening of the Film Forum IRAN AT THE CROSSWAYS For more information about the two-day film forum and registration visit the film forum website: 7:00 p.m. [CET] Modified (Hu)Man: Traditions, Vulnerabilities and Possible Futures (introduction by Melike Şahinol) Body modifications are used not only to “repair” injuries […]

“Türkiye’de Çekişmeli Bedenler: Tıp Teknolojisindeki Gelişmelerle Dönüşen Beden, Sağlık Ve Toplum” özel sayımız Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi’nde yayında / Special Issue „Contested Bodies in Turkey“ has finally been published in the Journal of Sociological Research

Our special issue „Contested Bodies in Turkey: Transformation of Body, Health and Society through Techno-Medical Interventions“ (guest editors: Melike Şahinol & Gülşah Başkavak) has finally been published in the Journal of Sociological Research. The development of this special issue involves a long process of reflection and discussion. The birth of the idea began in September […]

Kick-Off Meeting: Scientific Network Dis-/Abilities and Digital Media (10-11 Dec 2020)

Our DFG scientific network #DisAbilities & #DigitalMedia has started its activities. I am very excited and look forward to this great kick-off meeting with some public lectures. You can find details about the meeting below. For information about our network please visit our website: . Agency – Participation – Cooperation The Praxeological Production of […]

edited volume “Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper – Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven” published (eds. @mesahinol @ChriXCoenen #Motika) #ststwitter #körper #sport #technik #enhancement #disability #cyborg

The edited volume “Upgrades der Natur, künftige Körper – Interdisziplinäre und internationale Perspektiven”, on which we have been working since the workshop of the same title in 2016, has been published. And here is the link:

Mein Artikel “Posthumane Cyborgliebe. Die Anpassung des menschlichen Körpers an maschinelle Angebote im sexuellen Bereich” ist erschienen. #cyborglove Infos hier:

Es gibt wieder einen kleinen Grund zur Freude. Mein Artikel  “Posthumane Cyborgliebe. Die Anpassung des menschlichen Körpers an maschinelle Angebote im sexuellen Bereich” ist in dem von Oliver Bendel herausgegebenen Band “Maschinenliebe” erschienen und hier abrufbar:

new publ/ yeni yayın: Türkiye’de #Biyomedikalizasyon: Sağlığın Dijitalleşmesi ve Öz-Takip Pratikleri / #Biomedicalization in Turkey: Digitalization of Health and Self-Tracking Practices :

“Türkiye’de STS: Bilim ve Teknoloji Çalışmalarına Giriş” başlıklı kitabın içerisinde araştırma alanımda görevli olan Dr. Gülşah Başkavak ile birlikte hazırladığımız “Türkiye’de Biyomedikalizasyon: Sağlığın Dijitalleşmesi ve Öz-Takip” başlıklı makalemizi paylaşmak istedim. Biyomedikalizasyon alanında Türkçe dilinde araştırmaya pek rastlanmadığından makalemizin tıp sosyolojisi alanına katkı sağlayacağını umuyorum. Türkiye’de Biyomedikalizasyon: Sağlığın Dijitalleşmesi ve Öz-Takip Pratikleri* (Melike Şahinol & Gülşah […]

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